My Journal

Scarred and spiral bound; decorated with great purple mountains and a clouded sky; bearing a single word "Vision".
Within it, coded memories of a three week adventure half-way across the globe are enscribed.
It is difficult to relay in text the interior of this record-keeper, which is laced with numerous hand-drawn maps, notes to self, and unexplainable doodles. I hope this blog sufficiently retells my experiences there and conveys the missions of our project, but more importantly, the inspiration.

Wednesday.Oct.24.2007 (Day 12)

Got up and dressed, went to breakfast, went back to hotel and got changed, went to school and everyone assembled for our presentation, presentation was rather bad, kids didn’t pay attention. We asked questions and objectives and tried to teach, but it didn’t really work. At the end we threw bubble gum to everyone. Then we went to gym and performed again and threw more gum and a grateful man named Rogan who gave us awesome jewelry. Another man, Jack, gave us some feedback about what was not mentioned or incorrect in our piece. Deo showed ‘A New Island’ (a video we donated to the school) and we left back to our hotel and got our bags and headed for the terminal. Went back to Kwaj and I took a shower we went and bought underwater cameras and had lunch. While we ate we played the never-ending game of uno until finally I won. Then we went swimming and took picture and hung out looking for shells, wrote in sand. Mr. Fielding and I went back to Ebeye while Erica and Jacq stayed on Kwaj. We saw Julian at his house and just walked around for a while. Erica was sleeping on the couch when Mr. Fielding and I came back and I tried filming Erica’s reaction that we had another performance tomorrow besides the one on Kwaj base; Erica was irritable and tired so she went to bed.

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