My Journal

Scarred and spiral bound; decorated with great purple mountains and a clouded sky; bearing a single word "Vision".
Within it, coded memories of a three week adventure half-way across the globe are enscribed.
It is difficult to relay in text the interior of this record-keeper, which is laced with numerous hand-drawn maps, notes to self, and unexplainable doodles. I hope this blog sufficiently retells my experiences there and conveys the missions of our project, but more importantly, the inspiration.

Thursday.Nov.1.2007 (Day 20)

Got up and got ready. Went to breakfast and saw Joe. Jac changed the channel from fox to Al-Jazeera, he made jokes about her being left wing. Went to talk with Jim for a bit. Waited for truck to take us to Laura. Performed and got 2 ginormous baskets of food. Came back and went to Rongelap and handed out food and performed in parking. Caused a car accident. Went out to late lunch with Abacca at tide table and had pizza.

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